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HomePASSIVE INCOMENew AdSense Approval Tricks in 2022 for WordPress Blog

New AdSense Approval Tricks in 2022 for WordPress Blog

Is your blog rejected by Adsense many times? Are you facing Adsense policy violation issues? Want to know what thing is stopping your WordPress blog from getting Adsense approval?

If your target is only getting Adsense approval then remove this target from your mind and make a new target. If I was in your place, I will make my target to provide unique, SEO-friendly, and quality content to readers.

I hope you have just made a new target like me.

Getting Adsense approval has been very difficult these days. When we think our website has followed all the Adsense policies and meets all the criteria but Adsense rejects our website. It’s very difficult to encounter what is the exact issue.

If you are struggling for getting Adsense approval on WordPress blog then I recommend you to read my Adsense approval guide. In this post, I have included new Adsense approval tips and tricks for WordPress websites that you must follow to monetize your content with Adsense in 2022. 

If your blog is on Blogger then go through this article: How To Get Adsense Approval in Blogger?

Note: For creating an Adsense account and placing the Adsense setup code please follow another website or Youtube videos.

Let’s start.

How To Get Adsense Approval in WordPress Blog?

Here are some of my tricks and tips I followed before submission of my WordPress blog on AdSense. These AdSense approval tips and tricks may help you if you follow them strictly.

Domain Age:

Don’t hurry. If you have just bought a new TLD domain and started publishing content then wait at least 25 days. When your domain becomes one month old, the chance of getting AdSense approval also becomes higher.

Number of Posts to Publish:

You should publish 15 to 20 articles on your website only if the word length is greater than 500 words. If your word length is less than 500 words then create 30 to 40 posts. But I always recommend my friends and other newbie content creators to publish at least 20 posts having at least 1000 word length.

Create Unique Content:

Your content must be unique and easy to read. Never use translator, AI, or any kind of other tools to generate content if you want Adsense approval without any issue. Repeating some portion of text multiple times inside your article won’t make your content unique.

To make your content easy to read for your visitors, you can partition your content into different sections by using proper heading and subheadings. Make use of bold, italics font style to focus some phrases on your content.

Use RankMath or Yoast SEO plugin to make your content SEO-friendly.

Use Grammarly to make your content spelling and grammatical error-free. Grammarly helps to reduce spelling, and grammar mistakes while you are creating content.

grammarly banner

Use Unique Images:

Like posts, images that you use on your website must be unique. Downloading copyright free images won’t make images unique. The reason is such images are downloaded and used by many people.

To create unique images you can use Photoshop or Canva. The images that you create yourself are 100% unique and won’t make issue for Adsense approval.

Blog Niche:

Nowadays Google AdSense is looking for uniqueness. Creating quality content on unique topics can implies uniqueness on your website.

Most of the newbie bloggers start their journey without doing niche research. They choose highly competitive niches such as Tech, Health, Finance, SEO, SMO, etc. But there are so many websites having high authority already working on these niches.

When you start writing articles on these niches then surely you might not add extra value on your content. You might reproduce the same content that is already present on the Internet. As a result, your website can’t have uniqueness and gets rejected by AdSense.

Therefore choose a micro-niche rather than a macro niche. An example could be: Shoes (Macro) >> Running Shoes (Micro). The benefit of micro-niche is you can focus on specific topics that are easy to rank.

Do not choose blog niches that are strictly restricted by Google Adsense. Software downloading/cracking, adult, drugs, dominating, weapons, gambling, hacking are not allowed in Google Adsense.

Create Important Pages:

You must have About, Contact, Privacy Policy pages on your website. Just creating a page by giving about or contact title is not enough. On the About page, you have to write about your website and the authors (you and your team). Similarly, on the contact page, you should embed a contact form and attach your email address, phone number, address, and social media links too.

For the privacy policy, disclaimer, and terms of use pages, you can use online tools to generate the content and customize it in your own way.

Moderate Comments:

moderate comments for Adsense approval

To be eligible for Adsense, your website must have a comment section and spam-free content on comments.

If your website is being rejected by Adsense then comments can be the reason. When you start getting organic traffic, your website starts receiving comments. There is also a high chance that spammers can put irrelevant content including links on comments.

Thus, you’ll need to moderate your comment section so it stays compliant with the Adsense Program policies and free from inappropriate/spam content.

Website Design:

Creating quality & unique content is not enough to become an Adsense publisher. The design of your theme also matters. Google Adsense can reject your application if your website is not responsive or mobile-friendly.

Never choose a theme that has ugly font and a small font size.

Choosing a simple, fast-loading, schema optimized, and SEO-friendly WordPress theme can help you in Adsense approval and ranking.

Customize Your Theme:

Once you find a good theme for your WordPress site, start customizing your theme. When you install a theme, you will see the theme’s default logo, demo content, and categories on your website.

You have to add your own logo & favicon, add new categories, and create a new menu bar. If you have used a demo content installer then you need to also remove the demo pages, posts, and categories. Customize the sidebar and footer area by adding widgets like recent posts, pages, categories.

Website Navigation:

Google Adsense can reject your application if your website doesn’t have proper navigation.

Make your website easy to navigate for your visitors by creating a primary menu bar, top menu bar, footer widgets, and sidebar. Show all the categories in the primary menu bar. Show all the pages in the top menu bar. If your theme doesn’t have a top menu bar then display the pages on either footer or sidebar.

Never hide anything on your website. Make them publicly visible.

For example, your website is in the Technology niche and your primary menu would look like: Home <> Mobile <> PC <> How-To. While creating articles, choose only one category that is relevant. If you are publishing the same post in two or more categories then your website might get rejected.

If a category is empty (without posts) then your Adsense application would be rejected with a Site-Under construction issue. That’s why it is recommended to publish at least 3 posts in each category. 

Webmaster Settings:

Another tip for Adsense approval is the webmaster setting which is also officially written in Adsense policies. 

Connect your website on Google search console and Analytics. Next, create a sitemap.xml file with the help of RankMath SEO plugin and then submit the sitemap in the search console. 

submit sitemap in search console

It is also necessary to have all the posts and pages indexed on Google. If not indexed, use Search Console to request indexing. 

Before applying in Adsense, check whether your website is having any coverage or indexing issues on the search console. If you find an issue then fix and validate it.

Fix Broken Links:

Linking to another page within the same website or another website is good for SEO. But you must check whether those links are broken or not. A broken link redirects visitors to an empty or 404 error page.

That’s why before applying for AdSense, you must be sure that your website is free of broken links.

In case you remove a page/post from your site that is already indexed in Google, you need to fix it. You have to submit the request for removal in Search Console. It will remove the specific posts on your site from Google Search results.


Traffic is not a mandatory thing. Google AdSense haven’t mentioned how much traffic is needed for AdSense approval. But you should not use bots or any kind of tools to drive/exchange traffic. If AdSense found such kind of illegal activity on your website then your website will get rejected.

So focus on creating good quality content rather than driving traffic.

You can share the blog posts link on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms.

If you implement all the AdSense approval tricks, your WordPress website will be eligible for AdSense. Now you can apply in AdSense.

Things To Do After Applying for Google Adsense:

For some publishers, the review process can be short while for some publishers it can take up to two weeks. While your website is being reviewed by the Adsense team you have to do the following things that I have mentioned below.

Update your website: 

Publish at least 5 new articles on your website and then submit each new post for indexing in the search console. Manually review every post, if you find a post having few paragraphs then update it by adding more words. 

Don’t Update your Theme:

If you have manually placed the Adsense setup code in between <head> and </head> tags then you must not update the theme. Updating your theme will remove the code from your website and if the Adsense team doesn’t find the code then they will reject your application. That’s why do not make any changes on your website like updating or replacing the active theme.

You can use the Google Site Kit plugin which helps to connect your website on Adsense, Search Console, and Analytics. It will connect your Adsense account and then automatically add the Google AdSense code to the header of your WordPress website. The benefit of using this plugin is that the code won’t get removed even after updating the theme.

Make your website live 24/7:

make your website live during review process by AdSense

Keeping your website active 24/7 is also necessary during the review period because if your website gets down and the Adsense team couldn’t access your website then your application will be rejected. Thus it is necessary to have a good web hosting.

Make your website fast:

If your website takes a long time to load then obviously your application will be rejected. Adsense never accepts such a website whose loading speed is so poor and destroys the user experience.

If you are searching a good web hosting company that provides 99.99% uptime guarantee with super fast speed then Hostinger is the best. Hostinger boosts your website performance using LiteSpeed cache tool for website acceleration. LiteSpeed cache tool features a server-level cache and a collection of optimization features. Hostinger also provides free SSL that improves the security of your website.

If you need an additional 7% discount on each Hostinger subscription plan then use coupon code: HIT2021. Buy Hostinger Now.


I know you want to get AdSense approved on your WordPress blog thus I am also sure that you have read all the tricks that I have shared with you in this article. Continue creating quality and unique content until you get Adsense approval.

Good luck!

If you have stilly any problem regarding AdSense approval on your site then please leave a comment.

FAQ’s on AdSense Approval Tricks for WordPress

Below are the couple of frequently asked queries with quick answers.

  1. How much traffic do you need for AdSense approval?

    AdSense has not mentioned how much traffic you should have for AdSense approval. But the use of bots or tools to drive/exchange traffic to a website is strictly prohibited by AdSense.

  2. How much time does the AdSense takes to approve?

    If you meet all the AdSense eligibility criteria and follow the AdSense policy, AdSense approval usually occurs within 24 to 48 hours. For some publishers, it can take up to 2 weeks.

  3. How can I get AdSense approval fast?

    There is not a rule for fast or slow process to get AdSense approval quickly. It totally depends on the how many requests are in queue.

  4. Is it hard to get AdSense approval?

    Getting AdSense approval could be hard if you don’t write quality and unique content, and don’t follow the AdSense policies. AdSense approval could be easy for you if you don’t break any rule, and write good quality content.

  5. How do I get AdSense approval on WordPress?

    For getting AdSense approval on WordPress, first, customize your theme in a proper way to give a unique look. Write high-quality content and always use copyright-free images. Have at least 20 quality posts and make your content length around 1000 words. Use RankMath plugin to optimize your posts and create a sitemap for your website. Use Google Site Kit plugin to easily connect your site to AdSense account and place the code on every page.

Bipin Milan
Experienced Blogger with a demonstrated history of working in the e-learning industry. Skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Content Writing, WordPress, HTML, and Web Development. Strong marketing professional with a Bsc CS IT focused in Information Technology from Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science & Technology.


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