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HomeBlog10 Blogging Tools That'll Instantly Boost Your Blog Traffic

10 Blogging Tools That’ll Instantly Boost Your Blog Traffic

Starting a blog is hard work, & promoting to grow a blog is equally tricky for every newbie blogger. Blogging can be profitable & easily managed if you can find the best blogging tools.

In this article, we will discuss the right blogging tools for beginners that will undoubtedly surely improve the creativity of writing, marketing, content creation & SEO.

In the web, there are numbers of both free & premium blogging tools, but every premium blogging tools can’t be affordable. So finding the best free blogging tool to manage your blog from SEO friendly content writing to blog promotion is a crucial task in blogging.

All the best blogging tools listed here are for both beginners & professional. With these free blogging tools & widgets you can intensify the quality of the blog as well as increase blog traffic.

1. Grammarly

Grammar Checking tool for blogger

Content is King,” as a blogger; we must be sure that readability of Content must be reader-friendly without any grammar errors.

Grammarly is a free grammar checking tool that can be added as an extension on your browser that checks grammatical errors in your content & helps to boost the quality of your content by suggesting corrections.

Grammarly works on every blogging platform & almost all plain text input area of your browser.

Grammarly Writing Support

Grammarly is a user-friendly free grammar checking tool for a blogger to create quality content.

2. Free Stock Photos

Visual Content is a handy tool that can take your blogging to the next level. A blog with stunning images is more optimized & helps to generate interest in your content.

Adding images on blog encourages social media interest & sharing. A blog with stunning infographics can generate more impression on Pinterest also.

Images also improve your SEO, while you are creating new content, then you must have selected some targeted keywords. By placing targeted keyword on Title, Alt text & Description for the image you can drive blog traffic from Google & Pinterest.

free stock images for blogging

Pixabay & Pexels are the two excellent site with millions of free stock images shared by the talented photographer.

You can find best stunning Technology, Blogging, Security, HD wallpaper, Microsoft, Android-related images. All photos are free for personal & commercial use.

Sites for Free Stock Images :

  • Unsplash
  • Burst
  • Reshot
  • FoodiesFeed
  • Gratisography
  • Picography
  • MMT Stock
  • Picjumbo
  • Kaboom Pics
  • Skitter Photo
  • Life of Pix
  • Little Visuals
  • New Old Stock

3. Keyword Research Tool

Search Engine Optimization is about optimization of your blog with Inbound or Outbound links, Tags, Backlink, & Keyword Optimized Content.

Keywords are the phrases that help you to rank first on search engines. To drive organic traffic, you must know the Keyword Research & Placement.

Keyword Research & Analysis is the most salient task in blogging. You need to research those targeted keywords with low competition & have good C.P.C (Cost-per-Click) on Adsense also.

Finding keywords that are easy to rank with low competition is much better with these 3 Keyword Research tool.

Keywords Everywhere:

Keyword Everywhere is the best alternatives to Google Keyword Planner. Keyword everywhere is free keyword research & analysis browser extension.

free blogging tool for keyword research

The best part of this free blogging tool for keyword research is that it shows Google Keyword search Volume, cost per click & competition data of keywords.

Ubersuggest Keyword Research:

ubersuggest keyword research blogging tool

Ubersuggest is the best blogging tool I loved to use in my blogging days for keyword research. With Ubersuggest you can find related keywords & phrases with Search Volume, SEO Difficulty, Paid Difficulty, & cost per click.

4. Yoast SEO: Free Blogging Tool

yoastSEO best blogging tool for WP Blogger

WordPress blog & Yoast SEO are the two side of a coin. For WordPress blog, Yoast SEO plugin is the best blogging tool that improves your SEO factor.

With Yoast SEO you can set Title, Meta Description, & Slug. By adding a focus keyword, you can optimize Title, URL & Search Description. It provides ideas about where to place keyword & how to optimize Title & Meta Search Description length.

5. Webmaster Tools

Search Engine like Google, Bing, Yandex has its webmaster tool. This blogging tool helps in checking the index of a website & optimizing visibility. Webmaster tool allows you to control links & search engine bots.

Google Search Console:

Google search console is a free webmaster tool of Google. Google webmaster tool provides various data about indexing & crawling also, keyword position.

With Google search console you can check out the performance of your blog with total organic clicks, overall impressions, average CTR, & average position.

Google search console shows up total internal & external links and top linking sites. You can also disavow bad backlinks with Google Disavow tool.

Bing Webmaster Tool:

Bing webmaster tool is best free webmaster tool provided by Microsoft’s Bing Search Engine. This free blogging tool provides a facility to add a website for crawling & indexing.

Bing webmaster blogging tool

Bing shows up information about your domain with clicks from search, appeared in the search, pages crawled, crawl errors & page indexed status.

By configuring your site on Bing webmaster, you can:

  • submit Sitemap,
  • submit URLs with geo-targeting,
  • ignore URL parameters,
  • crawl control,
  • deep-link,
  • block URLs, and
  • disavow bad links.

Bing webmaster shows reports about page traffic, SEO reports, inbound links, & crawl information.

6. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a cardinal free blogging tool provided by Google that measures the bounce rate, session & provides an active graphical status of users in your blog.

Google analytics blogging tool

With the help of Google Analytics, you can find the best & worst performing pages with their page value & page views. It also shows where are your users from, users by time of day, session by device & session by country.

Google Analytics provides active status with the number of active users reading your blog with their location, device, & traffic medium.

7. Email marketing tools

With Email marketing, you can boost up your blog by sending an email about new blog post or information about new offer & services to your follower.

You can promote your blog with email marketing, but you need to know Email strategy so you can grow Email list & double your Email open rates.

To collect Email subscriber, I suggest you use HelloBar. HelloBar is a free blogging tool you can use to convert your visitors into subscriber or customer. By displaying a pop-up box, you can ask your visitors to subscribe & this is how you can grow your email list.

Best Email Marketing Tools:

  • MailChimp
  • Sendgrid
  • Mailpoet
  • Sumo List Builder

Read>> Get Free Backlink from High DA Blog Commenting Sites

8. Headline Analyzer tool

Headline analyzer is a tool that can be used to write headlines that drive traffic, social shares, & search results. Headline analyzer by CoSchedule is the best free blogging tool to analyze & optimize headlines.

Headline Analyzer tool for blogger

Headline analyzer first analyzes headlines & shows structure, grammar, & readability of your caption. This tool also examines the length of your headline along with its sentiment, emotional & power.

9. Tailwind Tribes

Pinterest is an excellent social media to share a post with stunning images. Most of the blogger prefer to use Pinterest rather than using Facebook, Twitter, since Pinterest generates five times more money per click than Twitter & 28% more than Facebook.

tailwind tribes blogging tool for Pinterest traffic

With Tailwind Tribes you can increase traffic from Pinterest. Tailwind Tribe is the best social media management tool for bloggers for collaboration with other Pinterest user in a tribe (“like Pinterest group board“).

To increase traffic from Pinterest, you need to optimize Pinterest in these ways:

  • Convert into Pinterest Business Account
  • Create a Blog board
  • Add Stunning Images & Infographics
  • Pinterest Keyword Research
  • Engage on Pinterest
  • Optimize Board name & Pin’s title and description with keywords
  • Join popular tribes
  • Add the “Pin it” widget on your blog
  • Create a new Pin for an old post to keep your blog alive
  • Create multiple Pins for a single post with a stunning photo

10. Blog Monetization Tools

Are you interested in making your blogging more profitable?

If your blog gets targeted traffic & gets good page views, then it’s time to monetize your blog to generate income from blogging.


Adsense is a blog monetization program of Google that pays a high cost per click. With Google Adsense, you can monetize your blog by placing Link Ads, Text Ads, Display Ads, In-feed & In-article Ads.

To get Adsense Approval on your Blog, you must consider the following:

  • Unique Content
  • Minimum 50 to 100 daily page views
  • Fully developed blog
  • Responsive design
  • No adult content
  • Top-level domain
  • Privacy Policy, About, Contact page


Chitika is the best alternative of Google Adsense having high CPM & quality Ads. To monetize the blog with Chitika no need to consider the volume of Traffic & size of a website.

Other popular high paying alternatives of Google Adsense:

  • Adbuff
  • PopAds
  • InfoLinks
  • RevContent
  • Amazon Associates
  • Adsterra

Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers:

To make Money Blogging Adsense and Advertising Networks are not only sufficient. Start making money from your blog with top Affiliate Marketing Programs for Bloggers that pays high commission rate per sale.

  1. MaxBounty
  2. ShareASale
  3. HostGator
  4. BlueHost Affiliate
  5. CJ Affiliate Program
  6. Ultimate Bundles
  7. FlexOffers
  8. Amazon Associates
  9. Creative Market
  10. VigLink


Now let’s start to optimize your blog, write reader-friendly content, optimizing headlines, promote it & drive traffic from Pinterest to blog with the help of the best 10 free tools for blogging.

Start generating income from blogging by monetizing your blog traffic with a high paying Ad network.

Beside these blogging tools, there are different blogging & SEO tools, techniques for professional blogging, link building tactics & other resources you need to use.

Now it’s your turn to tell What is your favorite blogging tool? If there are any other best blogging tools blogger must have to use then you can share with us through the comment.

Bipin Milan
Experienced Blogger with a demonstrated history of working in the e-learning industry. Skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Content Writing, WordPress, HTML, and Web Development. Strong marketing professional with a Bsc CS IT focused in Information Technology from Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science & Technology.


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